Rockwell Automation Tradeshow Exhibit

XLReporter is integrated into Rockwell Automation's Water and Wastewater exhibit to demonstrate its reporting capabilities when applied to these industries.

The Rockwell Automation Exhibit

XLReporter is part of the PlantPAx exhibit which is a plant wide control system that utilizes a common automation platform to seamlessly integrate both process and discrete control as well as plant wide information. The exhibit demonstrates the capability of PlantPAx applied to various industries such as Water and Wastewater treatment.

XLReporter reporting and manual data entry applications are accessible from a menu added to the PlantPAx displays.

XLReporter On-Demand Reports and XLReporter Data Entry Forms integrated with Rockwell Automation PlantPAx panel.

Water and Wastewater Treatment

Water Treatment

XLReporter reporting software for Water treatment facilities produce regulatory, compliance, operational, and management reports. Commonly used reports are in easy reach with “out-of-box” templates. State forms are imported right into the Design Studio which is packed with familiar workbook features such as charts, formats, and formulas.

Scalability makes it suitable for all facilities, from a small facility automating their reporting process to save time to a large municipality delivering information using the web portal.

Easy access to data from RSLinx®, FactoryTalk® Linx Gateway, FactoryTalk® AE, FactoryTalk® View SE Data Logs (ODBC), and standards such as OPC and OLE-DB. In addition, the FactoryTalk® View SE Data Agent provides a high performance interface to live data, file sets (DAT), and FactoryTalk® Historian.

Wastewater Treatment

In Wastewater, a substantial amount of reporting data is entered manually by operators. XLReporter’s manual data entry feature is used to replace pen and paper with electronic forms. Operator rounds, laboratory results, process readings and operator comments are a few examples of forms better utilized in a database than a filing cabinet.

On-Demand Reports for State Chemical Feed.

Reports and dashboards for wastewater treatment are usually based on manual data, process data, and calculations and when reports are generated they are performed automatically or on-demand. XLReporter satisfies all these requirements.

Featured Reports


State reports are usually downloadable from the regulatory agency's web site. A powerful feature of XLReporter is the ability to import downloaded files as report templates, saving considerable time and expense.
  • State Chemical Feed
    On-Demand Reports for State Chemical Feed.

    This is a monthly report required for each well/chemical combination. The chemicals used are added to combat bacteria, promote healthy teeth and reduce the erosion of pipework.

    Some columns in the report are derived from cell formulas. For example, the Dosage is determined using the treated water totals and the density of chemicals added.

  • State Fluoridation
    On-Demand Reports for State Fluoridation.

    Fluoride has been proven to protect teeth from decay. Bacteria in the mouth produces acid when a person eats sugary foods. This acid eats away minerals from the tooth’s surface, making the tooth weaker and increasing the chance of developing cavities.

    The monthly Fluoridation report ensures that the facility has added the recommended quantity of fluoride to the treated water.


For facilities to operate efficiently and accurately, information needs to be easily accessible to plant personnel. Live client access is provided through web browsers and Windows desktop applications so that everyone is kept informed.
  • Monthly Plant Efficiency
    On-Demand Reports for Monthly Plant Efficiency.

    This report shows how efficiently water is being treated and how much goes to waste on a daily basis over an entire month.

    A summary table is provided at the bottom of the report for an overall summary for the month.

  • Monthly Pump and Flow
    On-Demand Reports for Monthly Pump and Flow.

    This report shows daily flow totals, run times, and flow rates, along with tank levels and other weather information for every day of the month for a specific well.

    The well can be selected from a list of all the wells being monitored under the Parameter panel on the left side.

  • Monthly Flow Comparison
    On-Demand Reports for Monthly Flow Comparison.

    A monthly report that compares daily flow values from up to four specific wells.

    Daily totals across the selected wells are compared with previous month as well as the previous year, with icons displayed to indicate performance.

  • Monthly Weather Summary
    On-Demand Reports for Monthly Weather Summary.

    A report showing daily weather data over the month along with a trend displaying the correlation between temperature and precipitation.

  • Monthly Well Summary
    On-Demand Reports for Monthly Well Summary.

    A report showing daily well production data across every well over the month.

    A second report is also generated to show the daily run hours over the month for each well. THis can be seen by clicking the Hours link in the upper right.

  • Annual Well Summary
    On-Demand Reports for Annual Well Summary.

    Annual report with monthly trend summaries for Well Production and Facility Production, showcasing the totals for each well and the correlation between hours ran and gallons treated.


For day to day operations, report metrics can be provided for improvement.
  • Water Distribution
    On-Demand Reports for Water Distribution.

    A report with trends showing a daily distribution of water tank levels, psi and other metrics for a series of wells over the week.

    Daily data for each well is used to calculate weekly minimums, maximums, and averages.

  • Chemical Analysis
    On-Demand Reports for Chemical Analysis

    A report with trends showing the behavior of turbidity on the application of coagulant.

    These trends can save cost by optimizing coagulant additions.

  • Daily Alarm Activity
    On-Demand Reports for Daily Alarm Activity.

    Monitor daily alarm metrics such as alarm quantities, hourly averages, and top 20 alarm source contributions.

    This can help identify the bad actors in the facility.

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